These are selected English publications, you can find more at my Google Scholar profile or the university publication list.
My H-index is 6, meaning at least 6 papers with at least 6 citations.
My Erdõs number is (at most) 4 through Tamás Henk, Sándor Molnár and Imre Ruzsa.
Journal Papers
Zoltán Prekopcsák, Daniel Lemire (2012) Time series classification by class-specific Mahalanobis distance measures in Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 6 (3), p185-200. [ArXiV] [GitHub]
Jiri Wild, Zoltán Prekopcsák, Tomas Sieger, Daniel Novak, Robert Jech (2012) Performance comparison of extracellular spike sorting algorithms for single-channel recordings in Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 203/2, p369-376. [WWW] [BibTeX]
Conference Papers
Andor Kovács and Zoltán Prekopcsák (2012) Robust GPGPU Plugin Development for RapidMiner at RCOMM 2012: RapidMiner Community Meeting And Conference. Budapest, Hungary, August 2012. [PDF]
Zoltán Prekopcsák, Gábor I. Nagy (2011) Effective sensor-bridging with visual preattentive features at CogInfoCom 2011: 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications. Budapest, Hungary, July 2011.
Zoltán Prekopcsák, Gábor Makrai, Tamás Henk and Csaba Gáspár-Papanek (2011) Radoop: Analyzing Big Data with RapidMiner and Hadoop at RCOMM 2011: RapidMiner Community Meeting And Conference. Dublin, Ireland, June 2011. [WWW] [PDF] [BibTeX] [Prezi]
Gábor Makrai, Zoltán Prekopcsák (2011) Scaling out data preprocessing with Hive in POSTER 2011: Proceedings of the 15th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011. [BibTeX]
Róbert Varga, Zoltán Prekopcsák (2011) Creating a Database for Objective Comparison of Gesture Recognition Systems in POSTER 2011: Proceedings of the 15th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011. [PDF] [BibTeX]
Zoltán Prekopcsák, Tamás Henk and Csaba Gáspár-Papanek (2010) Cross-validation: the illusion of reliable performance estimation at RCOMM 2010: RapidMiner Community Meeting And Conference. Dortmund, Germany, September 2010. [PDF] [BibTeX] [Prezi] [RapidMiner process]
Bálint Csatári, Zoltán Prekopcsák (2010) Class-Based Attribute Weighting for Time Series Classification in POSTER 2010: Proceedings of the 14th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Prague, Czech Republic, May 2010. [PDF] [BibTeX]
Zoltán Prekopcsák, Sugárka Soha, Tamás Henk and Csaba Gáspár-Papanek (2009) Activity Recognition for Personal Time Management at AmI-2009: 3rd European Conference on Ambient Intelligence. Salzburg, Austria, November 2009. [PDF] [BibTeX] [Prezi] [Data]
Zoltán Prekopcsák, Sugárka Soha, and Csaba Gáspár-Papanek (2009) Accelerometer Based Recognition of Everyday Activites at FuturICT 2009: Hungarian-Japanese Joint Conference on Future Information and Communication Technologies. Budapest, Hungary, June 2009.
Zoltán Prekopcsák, Péter Halácsy, and Csaba Gáspár-Papanek (2008) Design and development of an everyday hand gesture interface in MobileHCI '08: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 2008. [WWW] [PDF] [BibTeX]
Zoltán Prekopcsák (2008) Accelerometer Based Real-Time Gesture Recognition in POSTER 2008: Proceedings of the 12th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Prague, Czech Republic, May 2008. [WWW] [PDF] [BibTeX]
Zsolt T. Kardkovács, Csaba Gáspár-Papanek, Zoltán Prekopcsák, Balázs Szakács, and Péter Tarján (2007) Time series classifications: A collaborative approach in Proceedings of the 1st International ACM Workshop and Challenge on Time Series Classification. San Jose, CA, USA, August 2007.
Technical reports
Zoltán Prekopcsák (2007) Content organization and discovery: state-of-the-art and new ideas for P2P-Fusion [PDF]